Changes are being made to Rhye Media’s hosting systems to maintain security, performance, and compatibility. If action is not taken, these updates may impact your website's functionality.
PHP Version Updates
The following changes are critical for all hosting clients:
- PHP version 7.4 and PHP version 8.0 are now officially end-of-life, meaning they no longer receive updates or security patches.
- These versions will be removed from our systems to ensure the security of all hosted websites.
Your hosting package must be updated to the latest PHP versions: 8.2 or 8.3.

Please note: Upgrading PHP may impact your site’s functionality, especially if the software running your website has not been updated to support newer versions.
CMS Updates (Joomla and WordPress)

For clients using Joomla or WordPress:
- Major updates to both platforms have been released. Some versions are now unsupported and require urgent upgrades.
- Regular updates are essential to protect your site from vulnerabilities and ensure compatibility with the latest PHP versions.
Take Action Now!
To minimise disruptions, I recommend reaching out to discuss the specific needs of your website. Here’s what you can do:
- Contact me to schedule a review of your hosting package.
- Work with me to plan and implement the necessary updates for your CMS or custom software.
This update follows previous communications about PHP versions and maintenance options (click here). If you’ve been considering regular maintenance for your site, this is the perfect time to start.
If you have any questions or would like to book a time to discuss, please feel free to contact me. Together, we’ll ensure your website remains secure, functional, and optimised for the future.